My endeavour as professional career counsellor is to constantly update and enhance my knowledge and experiences so that I can offer the best to my clients, parents and students. Off-lately I often come across parents asking me about DMIT. I must admit that my style of counselling is quite hands-on. I realised using DMIT wouldn’t harm, if it could assist in my endeavour towards providing genuine and holistic career guidance. Thus, began my research.
Let’s dive right into it.
The question I began my research with was:
How can a finger print really determine a personality and aptitude of a child.
I began with researching the science behind the development and formation of a “Finger-Print”
- The tiny ridges, crests and spirals that form a pattern on the tip of your fingers make your fingerprints.
- The formation of these patterns on the baby’s fingers begin right from when the baby is in the womb of the mother. The pressure and surroundings in the womb, creates pressure on the fingers of the baby called as “Friction Ridges”.
- As the foetus grows into its 6th month i.e. approximately 12 inches in size. The fingerprints and footprints are fully developed into Friction Ridges that form patterns called loops, curve and arches. This is 3 months before the baby is born.
- Finger prints are considered much more unique than DNA, because for example, in spite of identical twins sharing the same or almost same DNA , there fingerprints still remain unique.
Factors such as the foetus’s location in the womb, the density of the woman’s amniotic fluid, the level of activity of a foetus and the general chaos of the conditions of the womb all contribute to the development of those ridges. Hence this explains why identical twins in spite of similar genetic codes, have different fingerprints.
- Once formed fingerprints remain static and do not change with age which means an individual will have the same fingerprints from infancy to adulthood. The patterns change in size. The patterns don’t change in shape as the individual grows.
Let’s understand how the ‘Environment’ plays a role in shaping the IQ of an individual
Ever seen an intelligent child born to naïve parents or grandparents? How did this child learn to become intelligent? By observation, openness to learning and grasping. They may have been influenced by friends, surroundings, inspirational figures, books, knowledge, experiences, etc. To become worldly-wise and street-smart.
Let’s understand how the ‘genes’ play a role in shaping the IQ of an individual
The genes bestowed upon us do make a difference in our intelligence, but the environmental surroundings and experience contribute to a substantial formation in the development of an individual’s IQ.
I have a couple of questions for DMIT Test takers to ponder over
- When intelligence is a complex mix of genetics and environmental influences. How do the fingerprints that are originally formed by Friction Ridges in the womb of a mum influenced by various factors and conditions within the womb of the mum. Whose original function is to help grasp objects become basis for IQ Testing that would help determine a child’s aptitude, personality, learning patterns yada-yada-yada…
- In medical conditions, such as Adermatoglyphia which is an extremely rare genetic condition in which people actually do not have fingerprints. How are the tests taken for such a case? And if taken how are they reliable?
My final take on the matter
- There is NO Connection Between IQ score and Dermatoglyphics (Friction Ridges) !!!
Please don’t believe everything that floats on the internet. Let’s make an informed decision about our child’s future and career.