“What is my purpose in life?” asked the Void.
“What if I told you that you fulfilled it when you encouraged someone to achieve their goals or tasks” responded the Voice.
“Or, When you smiled, were polite and respectful to the server at the café”
“Or, when you asked someone ‘how they were’ and really meant it”.
“Or, When you fed the hungry or the homeless without making any noise about it”
“Or, when you patiently listened to your Grandma’s life story, for the 100th time, giving her the same attention”
“Or, When you made someone’s day by helping them and asking for nothing in return”
“Or, when you helped that terrified kitten in your neighbourhood”
“Or, when you helped your Mom understand her phone or the laptop, patiently”
The Voice said, “When you choose to act out of kindness, compassion, and love; You fulfil the purpose of your existence”
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